Sunday 12 May 2013

May break

Do not worry about that sunscreen, in May the sun does not bite.
This short trip to Mallorca will probably be remembered for this statement made on the first day and regretted on the first evening - after about 8 hours in the sun and a slightly burned chest/shoulders/nose/other.
The upside: some kind of colour to show off with friends once back the city where being hit by the sun does not rank very high in the list of possible threats.

Funny Mallorca
Mallorca seems kind of trilingual: Spanish, Catalan, German. You can be informed by reading the Mallorca Zeitung and, in certain areas, it is hard to find tapas, so better settle for some Berliner kebab in case of hunger pangs.  

Seductive Mallorca
Mallorca towns are very pretty, well cared and well kept, shining in the sun. The countryside landscape gets dramatic when the end of a sharp bend reveals a little cala or hills plunging steeply into the sea. 

Getting spoiled in Mallorca
It does give some kind of satisfaction not to have to pay a fortune for a good dinner, tasty snacks with Cava or for a pretty summer dress, with the shop owner giving you, on top, the belt from another dress - just because you liked it. And to drink a nice bottle of Spanish wine, with the waiter pouring two additional glasses and serving dessert and champagne, all on the house.

I guess some more Spanish explorations would do no harm.