Monday 16 March 2015


This morning smelled like a chilly winter morning in Strasbourg, where I was cycling and playing frisbee many years ago.

The hallway in my friends' apartment building smelled like that damn hospital room where I spent some sleepless nights, hoping to steal days to the inevitable.

A stranger at the bus stop had that smell of tobacco and musk I am trying to forget.

Today I am not where I though I would be, the smell of where I was stays.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Porto stories

Note to self: never buy a guidebook before having planned a trip. I got my Portugal guide in 2005, but set foot there for the first time ten years later.

To sum up: lots of pasteis de nata, long walks up and down, fish and more fish to eat, dinner and party at Ribeira. Yes, my friends can have great ideas to fight (upcoming) birthday blues.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Take it or leave it

Ho preso Uber per andare all'aeroporto.

Ho preso il portatile con me per finire la presentazione all'ultimo minuto. Come sempre.

Ho preso il primo sole primaverile al Poetto. Prima che si alzasse il maestrale.

Ho preso spaghetti ai ricci di mare e cernia in umido. E poi ciccioneddas alla campidanese, polpette di maialino allo zafferano e un bicchiere di Cannonau.

Ho preso il wifi in una tavola calda che vendeva insalata di quinoa, soia e cavolo cappuccio e culurgionis vegani.

Ho preso una Smart a Fiumicino e mi sono fatta 700 km da sola.

Ho preso in braccio la mia mini nipotina appena nata. 

Ho preso il raffreddore e due aspirine.