Like Virgil to Dante or the Mad Hatter to Alice, my Vilnius friend took it upon himself to guide me through the wonders of my long weekend. My first Lithuanian baptism felt a bit like Alice in wonderland. Beautiful and eventful but also somewhat upside down. Counter-intuitive, so to say.
Quick was the baptism itself, celebrated in some fairy tale (sort of) language in which I caught barely the name of my god-daughter.

In an upside down world, an Italian can happen to be stopped by a Lithuanian restaurant owner before breaching a food-related rule.
In the same counter-intuitive world, the same Italian can get a tan from laying in the sun and bathing in the Baltic sea in cute Nida, on the other side of the lagoon. Admittedly "bathing" may be an optimistic description of getting into the 19 degrees water for a couple of seconds.
Top 5 differences with Italian beaches, my personal "Virgil" asked.
1. Water is cold; 2. water is not very salty; 3. open air changing booths; 4. kids are not screaming; 5. No, thanks I really do not need an umbrella at 55° 18' 29" North.