Friday, 29 January 2016

The notetaker

On a rainy January evening, in the loquacious company of a Finn and a Czech, I am preparing to attend my first informal meeting of the Council of Ministers of the EU on digital stuff. Just my cup of tea, but with a twist. I am going to be... THE NOTETAKER.

Admitted everywhere, talking to everyone, unstoppable. The notetaker is the new power role in modern policy making.

Boat trip to the venue, futuristic videos, live music, geese from Schiphol airport to eat, the King's brother as host, entrepreneurs from small startups (like Uber Estonia or giving speeches. All duly recorded. Ready for duly reporting.

Happily, January rainy night gives the stage to January sunny blue day and The Notetaker can therefore even take pictures. In fact, the Notetaker quite likes Amsterdam and would not mind spending a few extra days there.