Sunday 16 August 2009

Live in Arusha

Sleepless night, landing in Kenia at 4 a.m., entering Tanzania around 9.
6 hours in a Chinese bus on unpaved roads, everywhere desert, dust and poverty.
But also colourful clothes and people dressed up for Sunday mass.

It's cold and grey (and I am not in Brussels) and my 15 travel mates seem ok. Today it's still comfortable, in a hotel in a city. Tomorrow we go for the real thing.

Next report when back to civilisation.

Pranzo di Ferragosto.
"Chicken or beef?" Courtesy of Egyptair, il Ferragosto 2009 e' piuttosto alternativo.

1 comment:

  1. Filo,

    Any new sign from the other end of the world? Hope you are ok! Enjoy!

